Amplify Trial

  1. What is Amplify?
  2. Trial activation
  3. Trial cancellation

What is Amplify? 

Amplify is our customer engagement platform that enables you to automatically message your leads and clients when it matters most, increases conversions, and accelerating growth, driving more revenue for fitness businesses of any size, anywhere. Learn more here

Trial Activation 

Boost your revenue by activating Amplify with one click in the Connect -> Messages section on the Dashboard, and begin automatically engaging your leads and clients!

Activate any 'Amplify' tagged workflow with a simple toggle from 'Inactive' to 'Active'. 


Your 30-day trial begins the moment you activate.    

Trial Cancellation 

If you're on the fence about Amplify after your 30-day trial, we're here to help. Get in touch to learn more about Amplify's impact on your revenue or, if you choose, you can simply switch all workflows to 'Inactive' before the trial ends. This will fully deactivate Amplify from your account, and you won't be billed.

For more information on Amplify and how it can improve your business, click here. For more information on how to set Amplify up, see our other Knowledge Base articles:

Amplify is subject to our Terms of Service.


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