Amplify - Monthly Loyalty Milestones Workflow


The Member Loyalty Milestones workflow will enable you to automatically reward your members when they reach specific numbers of visits per month.

This is a great way to incentivize member attendance, reward top-attending members, and create recurring monthly challenges.

This article will take you through:

  1. What counts as a visit
  2. The Monthly Loyalty Milestones workflow


What counts as a visit?

Visits are counted as they appear in the visits log; that is, door access logging or class attendance. 

The Monthly Loyalty Milestones workflow looks at how many visits are logged for a member during the current month and sends messages throughout that time period.


The Monthly Loyalty Milestones Workflow

You can activate this workflow by going to the tab Connect > Messages. There you’ll see “Monthly loyalty milestones” on the Messages list, alongside an Amplify tag to easily identify it.

From here you can activate the flow and it will automatically use our pre-defined template to send messages, which contains a sequence of emails, SMS, and push notifications sent on 8, 12, 16, and 20 visits per month.

*Note that SMS credits are needed for the SMSs to be active and sent.



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