Getting Started With Memberships


This article will take you through;

  1. What are Memberships?
  2. An overview of the Membership types
  3. How to set up a Membership
  4. Membership advanced settings
  5. Setting up the payment plan
  6. Next steps and additional support

What are Memberships?

Memberships consist of services given to your client over a set period. These can be unlimited or restricted services; they can be once-off or recurring payments, private or public, full-priced or complimentary, etc. 

An overview of the Membership types

At Glofox, we offer a wide range of 'Membership' types to help you manage your business the way you want to. They are as follows; 

  • A 'Single Membership' - once-off payments for a specific period, for example, a day, a week, a month
  • A 'Recurring Membership' - a membership that continuously repeats for a duration set by you, for example, daily, weekly or monthly
  • A 'Consecutive Membership' - a membership that is purchased by a client who is already on an existing plan. The 'Consecutive Membership' will start immediately after the client's current membership ends
  • A 'Restricted Services Membership' -  a membership that has restrictions on the services you allow the purchasing client to avail of, eg. Max 20 classes per month or only one type of class allowed 

Within these 'Membership' types, you can also apply settings to further customize them. bruce-mars-oLStrTTMz2s-unsplash.jpg

Please note;

A 'Service Credit Pack' is a pack of class, appointment or facility credits that your client can use against a pre-determined number of services. 'Service Credit Packs' aren't usually considered 'Memberships', but they can be set up from the same place. Find out more about 'Service Credit Packs' here; 

Setting up a Membership

Setting up 'Memberships is simple with Glofox. To set up a membership, follow these steps;

  1. From the 'Dashboard', go to 'Manage' icon on the left side of the screen
  2. From here click the 'Services' tab
  3. Click the '+New Service' button, on the top-right corner and click 'Membership'
  4. Input the membership details on the 'Details' tab e.g. name, description


Membership 'Advanced' settings

Click on the Membership you wish to edit and scroll down to the Advanced Settings on the Details page

From here you'll have options to;

  1. 'Restrict to One Purchase Per Client' - if you want to ensure members can only redeem one complimentary membership
  2. 'Private' - if you wish to allocate clients to this membership yourself manually. (When this option is chosen, the membership will not be shown anywhere other than on your dashboard)
  3. If you have multiple locations and 'Roaming' set up, you can choose to set the membership to a roaming one. Once enabled, select the other studios that you own from the list that appears. This will be the studios that this membership can be used in
  4. 'Trial' - this is the option you select to set up a 'Trial' which you can use to target new 'Leads' in the hopes of converting them to paying 'Members'

Setting up the payment plan

When setting up the 'Membership' details, you will see a tab that says, 'Plans', click this to adjust the payment plan details.

From here you will then see the following form titles that you can adjust;

  • Plan Name
  • Type
  • Payment Frequency
  • Starts on
  • Price
  • Services Provided with Plan

Once you begin making changes to these settings, more setting options will appear.


Next steps and additional support

To find out more about 'Memberships' read the articles below; 

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you. 


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