How to Set up Access Monitoring


This article will take you through; 

  1. What is access monitoring, and do I need it?
  2. Setting up access monitoring
  3. Access monitoring overview
  4. Next steps and additional support

What is access monitoring, and do I need it? 

We've created a simple way for you to track members entering your facility; we call this access monitoring. You can manually check a client in from the dashboard or, you can assign your client a barcode and scan it from the Members App or a physical barcode; either way, these interactions will be logged on the 'Access' tab for you to monitor. 

Find out more about access control and barcodes here

Setting up access monitoring 

To setup Access, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the ☰ icon on the top right of the dashboard
  2. Click 'Attendance'
  3. Click the dropdown cursor beside 'ATTENDANCE'
  4. Toggle on Access logging, so that it turns blue
  5. Scroll down to 'BARCODE SCANNER'
  6. Toggle on 'Allow the use of a barcode scanner' button, so that it turns blue
  7. You have the choice to toggle on the barcode scanner sound
  8. Click 'Save Changes'


Access monitoring overview

Your 'Access' tab will pull up a live stream of clients entering your facility throughout the day which will look a little like this; 


From here, you can view;

  • The name of the client that has entered your facility
  • The type of membership they are on
  • The access status 
  • The time they entered 


Please note:

  • Clients are only marked as valid access if they have a membership (credit packs are not included in this), or a class booked in the next 59 minutes.
  • When a client accesses a location and has 2 classes within an hour, the client is only automatically checked into the first class
  • If a client accesses after the start time the client will still be checked into the class (and only one class if they have another one following) 
  • If a client accesses after a class has finished the client will not be checked into the class automatically

Next steps and additional support

Once you have your access control in place, you will likely want to review past access trends. You can view a report of all 'Access' or all 'No Shows' you have had over the past year. This will help you analyze trends and target marketing campaigns. 

'Access' and 'No Show' report can be found on the report tab under 'Activity'. 

Additional support;

Are you having trouble? Check out our troubleshooting guides or reach out to, and we can help.

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