How to Set Up Classes


This article will take you through;

  1. What is a Class?
  2. How to set up a Class
  3. Pricing options for Classes
  4. Email booking notifications for Staff
  5. Adjusting your Class Settings
  6. How to add a one day Class
  7. How to make a Class private
  8. Email booking notifications for Clients
  9. Sharing a link to a Class
  10. Enabling the Book a Friend system
  11. Next steps and additional support

What is a Class?

A group exercise hosted by you with a date and time, facility, trainer, and capacity that can be booked by clients on an ad-hoc basis without a long term commitment.

Find out more about the difference between 'Classes' and 'Courses' here; 

When you set up a class in your Glofox dashboard, you're giving your clients the option to easily book into and pay for this class through their 'Member App' or 'Website Portal.' You will also have the ability to book clients into classes from 'Glofox Pro' and the Glofox dashboard. 


How to set up a Class

When setting up a 'Class,' there are two parts, the first is setting up the class details, and the second is setting up the 'Class' schedule. 

To get started with setting up 'Class' details, follow these steps;

  1. From the dashboard, go to the 'Manage' icon on the left sidebar
  2. Then go to the 'Classes tab and click the '+Add' button in the far right corner
  3. Select a category for your class - Note: Your member cannot see the categories a class has. This simply allows the Admin to restrict bookings for certain classes. For example, if a member has a credit pack for Yoga category, they will only be able to book classes with this category attached
  4. Fill in the class information (name, description, trainer, etc.)
    • Note that your Trainer profiles must be created before you set up a class, otherwise the class will not save.
  5. Scroll down to find more options for setting up your class. Choose the facility the 'Class' will be held in, the trainer, and the class capacity.
    • Please note that you are unable to change the Class type (Online or Onsite) once the class has been saved.
  6. Decide whether the class is free for all memberships, a single price, or different pricing based on membership type. You may also determine whether the 'Class' is available for pay as you go users or unlimited monthly memberships
  7. To create a start date, end date, and level for your class, click the 'Advanced' settings button. Classes will be created weekly from the Start Date chosen. If you select an end date, the 'Class' will no longer be created after that date

Please note, Images must follow these parameters; 

  • Image file types should support JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and PNG
  • The image can be no bigger than 1MB
  • Max image size is 1000 x 1000 pixels

Pricing options for Classes

  • Single Price: You have the option to set a single class price for drop-ins (People without memberships) and another class price for all members, no matter what membership they have purchased.
  • Different Prices: Here, you have the option to set exclusions on who can attend your class and if the allowed membership types should pay an additional charge as well as the price they have paid for their membership/class pack:
    • Exclusions: When you exclude a particular membership type from a class, any member under this membership will be ineligible to book in for the 'Class'. This means leaving the button grayed out for a particular membership. If they client has a valid credit, they will still be able to book.
  • Additional Charge: If you wish to allow particular membership types to attend the class at an additional cost, you can add the extra cost next to the membership name. In this case, the member will have paid the price of their membership but will still have to pay the specified amount to attend the class. To enable this, you will need to turn the button beside the membership name on; so that it is blue, and can then enter the price you wish this membership to pay. Screenshot_2022-05-04_at_09.20.53.png
  • No Additional Charge: The price for the 'Class' will be left at '0' In this case, the cost of the 'Class' is covered by the membership or 'Class Pack' option that the member purchased initially. Again the button beside the membership turned on; so that it is blue, and 0' entered as the price. Screenshot_2022-05-04_at_09.20.43.png


Please Note:

  • Credits will always override the setting in price/eligibility. If access is toggled off or if there is a price there it will still take the credit
  • It's not possible to charge an additional amount as well as a credit, or to use more than one credit per person booking.
  • If a user has run out of credits or does not have valid credits for a class, they will be able to book additional classes at the price associated with their membership or credit pack. If the price associated is 0, they will be blocked from booking until purchasing more credits.

Now that you have set up your details section click the 'Schedule' tab. To set up your class schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the days you want your new class to occur.
  2. Set the times the classes are on.
  3. If the same class is on two times in one day, click the 'Add' button beside the class time.
  4. If the trainer, facility, level, or capacity is different for a one-time slot, click the 'Cog' button for more options.
  5. Click 'Save'


How to make a Class private

  1. From the dashboard, go to 'Manage' tab
  2. Then go to 'Classes'
  3. Then select the class you want to make private 
  4. Click 'Advanced Settings' at the bottom of the page
  5. Toggle on 'Private' 
  6. Click 'Assign to All' - This ensures all of this class type is switched to private
  7. Click 'Save'. 


Email booking notifications for Staff

You can enable booking notifications for staff for each class. If turned on, this will send an email to the Trainer/s assigned to the class and all Admins when a booking or cancellation has been made for the class. To enable email booking notifications for Staff for a class follow these steps:

  1. From the dashboard, go to 'Manage' tab
  2. Then go to 'Classes'
  3. Then select the class you want to enable bookings notifications for
  4. Toggle on 'Email booking notifications'
  5. Click 'Save'

Please Note:

  • Receptionists will not get this email
  • It's not possible as an Admin to opt out of the email if the setting is on, we reccomened setting up filters in your email inbox if you do not wish to receive these emails while the setting is enabled.

Adjusting your Class settings

You can adjust your settings for the following; 

  • The number of weeks your timetable displays e.g., 2 weeks
  • The 'Class Levels' you want to be displayed e.g.
    • Beginner
    • Intermediate
    • Advanced
    • All Levels
  • The 'Booking Window' - the earliest and latest a client can book into a class
  • the 'Maximum number of bookings' a client can make in an hour/day/week or year
  • The ability for clients to book friends and how many friends they can book into a class
  • The time a clients needs to cancel a class
    • You can decide whether you want to allow 'Late Cancelations' 
    • You can add in a 'Penalty' or 'Strike' system for late bookings
    • You can set up a waitlist 
  • You can allow staff to increase the capacity of classes at their discretion
    • When the 'Staff can increase the capacity of fully booked classes to book more clients' setting is toggled on, you will get a notification to book a member over the class capacity.
    • Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 13.20.13.png Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 11.37.25.png
      • When this setting is toggled off, you will need to manually increase the size of the class in order to book additional members. This can be done in Manage > Classes > Edit.

To access these settings from the dashboard go to;

  1. Click the settings icon in the bottom left of the screen
  2. Then click 'Bookings'
  3. Then click 'Open' on the 'Classes' section


How to add a one day Class

There may be times when you want to add a one day class. To do this, follow these steps;

  1. From the dashboard, go to the 'Manage' tab
  2. Then go to the 'Classes tab and click the '+Add' button in the far right corner
  3. Fill in the class information as usual (name, description, trainer, etc.)
  4. Click 'Advanced' at the bottom of the page
  5. Set the start date and end date to the same date
  6. Click on the Schedule tab and set up your timeslots (This will ensure that this particular class will only take place on this date)

Email booking notifications for Clients

To enable these notifications, just follow these steps;

  1. Click the 'Connect' icon on the left side of the screen
  2. Toggle on 'Booking Confirmation' 

Sharing a link to a Class

Sharing a link to 'Class' is a great way to get the word out there if you want clients to be able to book into the course without needing you to complete the booking for them. 

To share a link to your course via the 'Website Portal', just follow these steps;

  1. Click on the ☰ icon on the top right of the dashboard
  2. Click 'Website Integration'
  3. Scroll down to where it says 'Get Your Link' and click the 'Preview' button
  4. This will take you to a preview of your 'Website Portal'
  5. Go to and click the 'Classes' tab
  6. Click on the 'Class' you want to get the link for
  7. Click the 'Purchase' button
  8. Click the share icon located in the top right corner. The link will be copied to your clipboard and can be pasted into emails or on social media


Enabling the Book a Friend system

It's possible to allow your clients to 'Book a Friend' into classes, to enable this option, follow these steps; 

To enable this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Click the settings icon in the bottom left of the screen
  2. Go to the 'Booking' tab and click open on the 'Classes' window
  3. Scroll down and toggle the slide for 'Book friends' to 'ON'
  4. You can then choose the number of friends you'd like your clients to be able to bring 
  5. Once done, click 'Save Changes' on the top right-hand corner of the screen


Next steps and additional support

Once you have 'Classes' figure out, you might want to learn about 'Courses', Read the below articles for more information; 

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you. 

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