Using the Strike System to Reduce No Shows


This article will take you through;

  1. What is the Strike system?
  2. What are the benefits of using the Strike system?
  3. How to use the Strike system
  4. How to reset a client's Strikes
  5. Next steps and additional support

What is the Strike system?

The 'Strike' is a system or setting offered in the Glofox dashboard for your 'Classes', 'Courses', and 'Appointments'. If enabled, every time a client misses a class (without canceling) and you submit the attendance, a strike will be allocated to their account. If the client/member misses three classes (or however many you define in your dashboard settings), they will be locked from booking again, until you decide to let them book again.

The 'Strike' system is an optional service.

What are the benefits of using the Strike system?

The 'Strike' system is a great way to boost attendance and reduce no shows.

Under the strike system, clients are generally more inclined to cancel their bookings in the app if they're no longer able to attend the class/appointment, meaning another client can avail of the spot. If you want your client to get into the habit of only booking if they have the intention of actually attending the class, this is the perfect solution for you.

For example:

If you have a client/member on an unlimited membership, it makes no difference to them if they book in and don't show up. However, for you, this is a spot that could have been filled by another client/member. If the client/member knows they will be assigned a strike for every class which they fail to attend or even cancel within the appropriate cancellation window, they will refrain from booking a class unless they know they're going to make it.

How to use the Strike system

To turn on the strike system, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the settings icon in the bottom left corner of the dashboard
  2. Click 'Settings'
  3. Go to the 'Booking' tab
  4. Click open on the 'Classes' section
  5. Scroll down to the section labeled 'Penalty System' for not showing to a booked class
  6. Toggle the switch to turn on

You can reset all strikes for members on this page as well, or individually from their profiles


How to reset a client's strikes

Strikes can be reset individually from the client profile or they can be reset for all clients using the settings.

To reset an individual's strikes, navigate to Manage > Clients, find the client for whom you want to reset strikes, click on the 'Details' tab, scroll down until you see their strikes, and you can manually add or remove them.

Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 08.42.24.png

To reset all of your clients' strikes, navigate to Settings > Booking > Classes, and scroll down to the 'Penalty system for not showing to a booked class' section, and you will see a 'Reset strikes' button. Clicking this will clear all of your clients' strikes.

Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 08.45.04.png 

Next steps and additional support

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you. 

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