Gympass: How to Create a Class Schedule of Live Workouts


This article will take you through, 

  1. What is are Classes and Schedules?
  2. How to set up a Class for Live Workout Streaming
  3. How to set up a Schedule for Live Workout Streaming
  4. How to share a link to a Live Workout Class
  5. Next steps and additional support

What are Classes and Schedules? 

A regular class:

A class is defined as; a group of exercises created and hosted by you with a date and time, facility, trainer, and capacity that can be booked by clients on an ad-hoc basis, without a long term commitment.

A class for Live Workout Streaming:

A class that is set up for Live Workout Streaming, is similar to the ordinary face-to-face class mentioned above, however, a link to the Live Workout is given to the client prior to the scheduled date and time set by you. The client will then view this workout via a laptop, computer, tablet or phone and will complete the class in a setting of their choice. 

Glofox and Gympass have a clever 2-way integration system, which means your clients won't need to interact with Glofox at all. When you set up a Live Workout Class in your Glofox dashboard, you're giving your clients the option to easily book into and pay for this class via the Gympass app. 

Read more on how Glofox integrates with Gympass here; 

A schedule: 

A schedule is the days and times that your Classes occur. 

How to set up a Class for Live Workout Streaming

When setting up a 'Class,' there are two parts, the first is setting up the class details, and the second is setting up the 'Class' schedule. 

To get started with setting up 'Class' details, follow these steps;

  1. From the Glofox dashboard, go to the 'Manage' tab
  2. Then go to the 'Class' tab and select 'Add new Class' 
  3. Fill in the class information (name, description, trainer, etc.)
  4. In the 'Facility' section, select 'Online' Live 
  5. To create a start date, end date, and level for your class, click the 'Advanced' settings button. Classes will be created weekly from the Start Date chosen. If you select an end date, the 'Class' will no longer be created after that date

Please note;

  • If you want this class to be non-recurring (one day only), set the start date and end date to the same day
  • If you want to upload an image to your class, the image should be less than 1mb and 1000x1000 pixels max
  • This set up is for Gympass users using Glofox Lite only. If you want to set up a regular class and schedule, visit How to Set up Classes or Continue Hosting Your Classes Remotely. 

How to set up a Schedule for Live Workout Streaming

Now that you have set up your details section click the 'Schedule' tab. To set up your class schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the 'Schedule' tab
  2. Then input days you want your new class to occur
  3. Set the times the classes are on
  4. If the same class is on two times in one day, click the 'Add' button beside the class time
  5. If the trainer, facility, level, or capacity is different for a one-time slot, click the 'Cog' button for more options
  6. Click 'Save'

Once you have these steps actioned, your schedule will automatically be visible via your Gympass app. 

How to share a link to a Live Workout Class

Once you have your class set up and you're ready to give those who signed up a link follow these steps;

  • Use the Calendar view to find the class you want to start
  • Select the class and the class slideout will appear
  • Input the Zoom or YouTube link into the 'Class URL'

Please note;

A link will need to be generated and added for each individual class, so you must make sure to action this step.

Next steps and additional support

Once you have 'Classes' figured out, you might want to learn about the best ways to host your Live Workout Class and tips for making your Video Stream look professional; 

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you.

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