Gympass: Best Practices for Shooting a Live Stream Workout


This article will take you through; 

  1. Best Practices for Shooting a Live Stream Workout
  2. How to adapt your workout for streaming
  3. Next steps and additional support

Best Practices for Shooting a Live Stream Workout

Before you jump into creating content, make sure you have a good set up. Here are our top tips to make your content look professional; 

    • Make sure you have plenty of light. If you don’t have access to good lighting try using natural light whenever possible. You should test this out before going live to ensure you have no harsh shadows or dark spots. 
    • Use a clean background. Your setting should be deliberate, avoid having any clutter and try to have your logo showing somewhere. 
    • Audio is important, invest in a lapel microphone to enhance quality
    • Practice! As this is live you want to minimize any mistakes you might make by practicing first and working on your camera presence. Record a test and get some feedback from colleagues
    • Plan your session in advance, going Adhoc can cause awkward moments and can come across messy and unprofessional
    • If music falls out of sync for your client, you can recommend that they turn their wifi on and off, or hit mute and unmute and the music should resync for them.
    • Test your internet speeds. Any speed slower than 10 Mbps will likely cause a poor experience for your clients.
    • If possible, use a wired internet connection with ethernet versus WiFi. Doing so results in a much smoother connection and a better viewer experience. 
    • Create an "Online Class Tips" sheet that you can share with your clients to walk them through what to expect from an online workout and some of the most common questions that have been asked in the past. 

Please note;

Be cautious of music choice used in the background of Live Workouts, especially when using a platform like Youtube. These can be flagged as copyright infringement which can cut your stream audio off and potentially remove it from your channel. To avoid this consider purchasing tracks from Artlist or using free royalty-free music.


How to adapt your workout for streaming

When it comes to hosting face-to-face classes, you’re probably already a pro. However, you must consider tweaking your workouts when moving to the virtual world. 

      1. Slow your workout down a little, make sure you’ve explained each step clearly and keep an eye on the comment section for any questions. You should also dedicate some time after each workout to answer additional questions. 
      2. Make sure your clients know in advance of the workout, what’s involved and what they need. I.e., gym towels, yoga mat, plenty of space, etc. 
      3. If your clients are used to using your equipment, make sure to let them know that, that equipment won't be needed for this workout, or suggest some alternative equipment pieces, like a backpack, steps or a couch. 

Next steps and additional support

For more information on Live Workout Streaming, read the following articles; 

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you.

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