The Online Class Booking Confirmation email is not re-directing members to my Live Stream?


If the 'Online Class Booking Confirmation' email contains a link to your class, but the link takes members to the wrong place 

Ensure that the email body is set up correctly with a 'Live Class Link' - [live_event_link]

  • To set up click the button +Live Class Link - (This link adapts to each class)
  • Ensure no changes have been made to the [live_event_link] code
  • If you have [live_event_link] embedded as a hyperlink like an image below - ensure that there’s nothing else surrounding that text that might break the link - (leave a space on either end)


Ensure that the class links you’re putting in the class configuration are correct

  • Go to the class that your client is having trouble with, and check that the link is there and working as it should. You can do this easily by going to the calendar on your dashboard, finding the class and opening up the class slide out. Copy the link in 'Class URL' and paste it into a browser. If it's not directing you to the right place, go back to your live stream and copy the link again to update your Class URL. 


If the 'Online Class Booking Confirmation' email contains a link to your class, but the link takes members to the Glofox holding page, but the holding page does not let them into the class

Was your class made before March 28th? 

  • Those participating in the beta were previously able to change classes from Onsite to Online. If your class was created before March 28th, that class will not be able to trigger a working holding page. To fix this, create a new Online class, and move your booked members to the new class

There might be a cache issue stopping your members from being re-directed 

  • Ask members to refresh the holding page, this will usually be enough to redirect them to your class

Next steps and additional support

If you have tried the above but are still having issues, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you further. 

For more information on Live and On-Demand Content visit the following articles; 

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