How to Unpause or Modify a Pause on a Membership


This article will take you through; 

  1. Pausing Memberships
  2. How to modify a pause on a Membership
  3. Next steps and additional support

Pausing Memberships

A Pause on a Membership is the action of pausing a member's access and payments for a period. Pause is sometimes referred to as a hold, freeze or suspend. 

You may need to Pause some of your memberships due to the outbreak of COVID-19, a holiday, or an injury. We've made that process as easy as possible for you. Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to bulk Pause Memberships so this process will have to be completed manually.

For more information on pausing various Membership types, visit this article; 

Please note;

Currently, the only membership types that can be paused are recurring memberships. This includes both a regular recurring membership and service credit packs that have been set to recur. Single & restricted memberships cannot be paused at this time.

How to modify a pause on a Membership

There may be times when you need to modify the pause duration, for example, your member might return earlier than expected from a trip or your gym might re-open from a closure. This is often known as 'unpause'. Or, your Member might want to extend their pause to a date in the future. 

Previously, you were able to change the date a member returned from a pause, but this didn’t affect the payment schedule. Now, by modifying the pause duration, you can also ensure the payment dates are updated.

Please note;

You cannot modify a pause to finish 'today', the earliest the member can return from a modified pause is tomorrow. So in other words the last Paused day will be today and the Membership will Unpause tomorrow.

To modify a pause, follow these steps; 

  1. Search for your member using Global Search or via the 'Client' tab
  2. On their profile, click 'Membership'
  3. Click on the ‘Modify Pause Duration’ button
  4. Input the new start date and click 'Save' 


Please note:

You cannot modify a Pause duration on the following Memberships;

Next steps and additional support

To find out more about 'Memberships' read the articles below; 

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you.

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