How to Create a New Membership


This article will take you through;

  1. What are Memberships?
  2. How to create a new Membership
  3. Next steps and additional support

What are Memberships?

Memberships provide your clients with access to your services over a set period of time. Memberships can take on many forms such as unlimited or restricted, private or public, roaming or single-location, full-priced or complimentary, trial or full membership, and many other options available to you from within the 'Memberships' section of Glofox. 

How to create a new Membership

To set up or add a new membership in Glofox, follow the below steps:

  1. From the Manage Icon, click the Services tab
  2. Click the '+ Add' button, on the top-right corner
  3. In the 'Details' tab, enter a 'Name' and 'Description for your new Membership
  4. Scroll down to the 'Advanced Settings' to:
      • Choose whether or not to 'Restrict To One Purchase Per Client',
      • Set the membership to 'Private' or public,
      • Configure the membership as a 'Trial' membership only, or
      • 'Enable Roaming To Linked Locations' for fitness businesses with multiple locations
  5. Click the 'Plans' tab
  6. Click the '+' button beside 'Create a Plan'
  7. Enter a 'Plan Name'
  8. Set the plan 'Type' to 'Membership'
  9. Select a 'Payment Frequency', either 'Single' or 'Recurring'. You will then be provided with number of options to customize the plan payment and start details
  10. Select the 'Services provided with Plan', either 'Unlimited Services' or 'Restricted Services'
  11. Click 'Save' and your new Membership will be created


Next steps and additional support

Once you have a new Membership set up, you can then assign it to specific members with ease. You can check out our guide on How to Assign a Membership to a Client from the Dashboard if you’d like to learn more about assigning memberships to your clients.

To find out more about Memberships, you can check out the resources below

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you. 


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