How to Use the Transactions Tab


This article will take you through;

  1. What’s new in the Transactions Tab?
  2. How to use the Transactions Tab
  3. Next steps and additional support

What’s new in the Transactions Tab?

We’ve improved the member profile Transactions Tab to make it easier for you to manage customer transactions in Glofox. You can now see a complete list of past payments for each customer from their member profile, providing you with a clear history of all transactions and transaction attempts for each client.

We’ve also simplified taking action on customer transactions. Whether it’s retrying a failed transaction, writing off a failed payment, issuing a refund, or resending or downloading a receipt for a customer, you can now do all of this with ease.

Each transaction is timestamped, has a clear description, and includes a status to make it simpler for gym staff to follow up with clients on past payments. We hope these changes make it easier to work with client transactions so you can focus on the most important parts of your business.

How to use the Transactions Tab

You can access the Transactions Tab and manage your customers’ transactions by following the steps below. This includes retrying a failed transaction, writing off a failed payment, issuing a refund, or resending or downloading a receipt for a customer.

To retry a failed payment

Sometimes, a client’s payment fails because of insufficient funds or a problem with their payment method. In these cases, you can retry processing the payment from the Transactions Tab, once the issue with the payment method has been resolved. The below steps will take you through how to retry a failed payment in Glofox.

  1. Locate your member's profile from the 'Clients' list or use 'Global Search' 
  2. Once you've located the member, click on their name to pull up their member profile
  3. From here, click on the 'Transactions' tab
  4. Scroll down through the ‘Transactions’ section until you find the transaction that you want to retry a failed payment for
  5. Click the button with ‘Actions’ button beside the transaction
  6. Click ‘Retry’
  7. Confirm that you are sure you wish to retry the failed payment by clicking ‘Retry’ in the popup that appears on your screen
  8. The status of the failed payment will change from ‘Payment failed’ to ‘Successful payment’ if the payment method is valid. If the status remains as ‘Payment failed’, you should contact the client to update their payment method. 


Please note;

Once the payment is processed successfully, it may take a few minutes for it to appear in the transactions list. Try refreshing the page after a few minutes if you want to view confirmation that it has been completed. 

To write off a failed payment

Sometimes, a client’s payment fails and you may wish to write off the payment fully.. In these cases, you can write off processing the payment from the Transactions Tab. The below steps will take you through how to write off a failed payment in Glofox.

  1. Locate your member's profile from the 'Clients' list or use 'Global Search' 
  2. Once you've located the member, click on their name to pull up their member profile
  3. From here, click on the 'Transactions' tab
  4. Scroll down through the ‘Transactions’ section until you find the transaction that you want to write off a failed payment for
  5. Click the button with ‘Actions’ button beside the transaction
  6. Click ‘Write off’
  7. Confirm that you are sure you wish to write off the failed payment by clicking ‘Write off’ in the popup that appears on your screen
  8. A message will appear on your screen stating that ‘The transaction was successfully written off’ to confirm write off  


To refund a transaction

Refunding a transaction from the Transactions Tab will automatically reimburse the customer for a chosen amount. The below steps will take you through how to refund a transaction in Glofox.

  1. Locate your member's profile from the 'Clients' list or use 'Global Search' 
  2. Once you've located the member, click on their name to pull up their member profile
  3. From here, click on the 'Transactions' tab
  4. Scroll down through the ‘Transactions’ section until you find the transaction that you want to refund
  5. Click the button with ‘Actions’ button beside the transaction
  6. From the dropdown menu, click ‘Refund’
  7. Enter an ‘Amount’ you would like to refund
  8. Click ‘Refund’ and the refund will be issued. A message will appear on your screen stating that ‘The transaction was successfully refunded’ to confirm the refund


To resend a receipt for a transaction

Resending a receipt for a transaction will send an automated email to the customer, including a copy of the receipt for that transaction. The below steps will take you through how to resend a receipt in Glofox.

  1. Locate your member's profile from the 'Clients' list or use 'Global Search'
  2. Once you've located the member, click on their name to pull up their member profile
  3. From here, click on the 'Transactions' tab
  4. Scroll down through the ‘Transactions’ section until you find the transaction that you want to resend a receipt for
  5. Click the button with ‘Actions’ button beside the transaction
  6. From the dropdown menu, click ‘Resend receipt’
  7. A receipt will automatically be sent to the customer’s email address


To download a receipt for a transaction

Using the ‘Download receipt’ option for a transaction will save a copy of the receipt, in PDF format, onto your computer. The below steps will take you through how to download a receipt in Glofox.

  1. Locate your member's profile from the 'Clients' list or use 'Global Search'
  2. Once you've located the member, click on their name to pull up their member profile
  3. From here, click on the 'Transactions' tab
  4. Scroll down through the ‘Transactions’ section until you find the transaction that you want to resend a receipt for
  5. Click the button with ‘Actions’ button beside the transaction
  6. From the dropdown menu, click ‘Download receipt’
  7. A receipt will automatically be downloaded to your computer


Next steps and additional support

If you’d like to learn more about your customer transaction history in Glofox, check out our guide on How to Use the Transactions Report

For additional support, reach out to, and we will be happy to assist you.


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