Lead Capture Forms


As part of the Boost and Elite packages on Glofox, you can ask for the Lead capture form to be embedded on your website and a member of the Glofox team will embed it for you. Just get in touch with your Glofox Onboarding Manager or email webdevelopment@glofox.com who'll schedule this to be done.

But, if you are comfortable with the technical process, or have a developer to do this for you, this documentation will guide you on embedding the Glofox Lead Capture form on your website.

This article will take you through the different types of Lead Capture Forms 

  1. What is the Lead Capture Form
  2. Free Plan Lead Capture Form
  3. Paid Plan Lead Capture Form
  4. Presales Lead Capture Form
  5. Skip Password form
  6. Contact Capture Form
  7. Embedding on to your Website


What is the Lead Capture form?

The Lead Capture form is the best way for you to sign up new members from your website.

It is designed to be as low-friction as possible.

Even if the user should fall off after submitting the first page of the form, they will show up as lead on your Glofox dashboard.

The form is associated with one of your membership plans, once a user fills out the form they will be assigned that membership plan.

The title of the form will be the title of the plan used.

These plans can be free or paid.


Free Plan Lead Capture 

This is the flow for Lead Capture forms which are created using a membership plan which has no cost.

The flow:

  • Page One - enter their basic information - at which point they will appear as a 'lead' on the Leads tab of the Glofox Dashboard
  • Page Two - Book into a class. This calendar will display a full list of the available classes. Please note it is not possible to filter to a specific subset of classes.
  • Page Three - Add some further contact information (DOB, postcode, where they heard about the studio)
  • Confirmation Page - User is thanked and given a summary of the class they booked.


Paid Plan Lead Capture

This is the flow for Lead Capture forms which are created using a membership plan which has a fee.

The flow:

  • Page One - enter their basic information - at which point they will appear as a 'lead' on the Leads tab of the Glofox Dashboard
  • Page Two - Enter in their debit/credit card information and confirm the payment.
    As this is a staging branch, you can use Stripe's test card details:
    • Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • Expires: any date in the future
    • CVV: 123
  • Page Three - Book into a class. This calendar will display a full list of the available classes. Please note it is not possible to filter to a specific subset of classes.
  • Page Four - Add some further contact information (DOB, postcode, where they heard about the studio)
  • Confirmation Page - User is thanked and given a summary of the class they booked.

Presales Lead Capture

This is the flow a studio might use to sign up members:

  • during presales when they are not running classes yet.
  • if they do not want the user to book a class during sign up.

The flow:

  • Page One - enter their basic information - at which point they will appear as a 'lead' on the Leads tab of the Glofox Dashboard
  • Page Two - Enter in their debit/credit card information and confirm the payment.
    As this is a staging branch, you can use Stripe's test card details:
    • Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • Expires: any date in the future
    • CVV: 123
  • Page Three - Add some further contact information (DOB, postcode, where they heard about the studio)
  • Confirmation Page - By default the user will be thanked and told to check back when the schedule is available. This can be customised via the dictionary.

Skip Password Form

This option hides the password field on page one, and shows it on the final page instead.

The flow:

  • Page One - enter their basic information - BUT NOT THEIR PASSWORD - at which point they will appear as a 'lead' on the Leads tab of the Glofox Dashboard
  • Page Two - Book into a class. This calendar will display a full list of the available classes. Please note it is not possible to filter to a specific subset of classes.
  • Page Three - Add some further contact information (DOB, postcode, where they heard about the studio) and set their password.
  • Confirmation Page - User is thanked and given a summary of the class they booked.

Contact Capture Form

This is a simple form, it just captures the user's contact information and adds them as a lead on the Glofox Dashboard.
The title of the form defaults to 'Sign Up' - this can be customised via the dictionary.



Embedding on to your Website

You can create your own links to try out from this page here:


The website generator will provide you with the required code, which can be copied and embedded within the suitable area within your website. 


Website Integration Builder.png


Membership URLs are accessible within the membership 'Plan' details. Here you can copy the membership URL link, and paste this into the website integration builder to generate code for the for a lead capture form.


Membership Plan URL link.png


If you have any questions on the lead capture form, please reach out to

webdevelopment@glofox.com who will be happy to help!

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