How to change the Payment Method on a Recurring Membership


You can now change the payment method used for a recurring membership without the need to cancel and recreate a subscription - for example changing the payment method type from Credit Card to Direct Debit.

To change the payment method on a recurring membership follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Membership tab of the Clients profile.
  2. Click the Actions button on the active membership and select 'Change Payment method'
  3. Select the new payment method to be used for the members subscription (If the selected payment method type does not already have an existing payment method setup you will have the option to add a new one:)
  4. Click 'Save'

This new payment method will be charged from the clients next billing date. Any retries for failed payments will also be taken from the new payment method. The payment method can be changed even if the memberships is Paused or Overdue.


For any further question or help, contact

Please note

  • This feature is only available via the Dashboard
  • It is not available for future memberships
  • It is not possible to change from a recurring payment type (Card/ Direct Debit) to a non-recurring one (Flexible payments like Cash/Bank Transfer)
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